The Smiles Anesthesia Center
The Smiles Team is passionate about offering the most advanced, cutting edge pediatric dental procedures backed up by solid research. Although our first goal is to prevent dental problems, sometimes we have to treat existing cavities for a very young child or a child with special needs. Sedation options allow us to deliver the excellent pediatric dental care such a child needs. In order to enable us to offer a safe, effective, hospital-grade sedation experience, we have expanded our sedation equipment to include a state-of-the-art anesthesia system. This system enables our Board-certified anesthesiologist to administer general anesthesia in our office. This not only reduces costs for our families who needed to visit a hospital for these procedures but also offers a unique situation where our parents can be with their child as anesthesia is induced via inhalation. The procedure is more effectively monitored and efficient than standard intra-venous sedation offered elsewhere.